
Open-Source Link to this heading


Fugue is a unified interface for distributed computing. Fugue executes SQL, Python, and Pandas code on Spark, Dask and Ray without any rewrites. I primarily write content, speak at conferences, and maintain the tutorials.


Prefect is a Python-based workflow orchestration management system that schedules and monitors data pipelines. I worked for a year and a couple months at Prefect focused on open-source support, developer education, and some small pull requests.

Courses Link to this heading


The O’Reilly learning platform provides content for individuals and teams. I taught an online course about large scale data validation with Pandera, Great Expectations, and Fugue


DataTalks.Club is a community of data enthusiasts. As part of my role in Prefect, I taught the workflow orchestration section in the MLOps ZoomCamp.